Summer Clinics Are ON - Register NOW!
We are super excited to announce that our very own NFL Flag Certified, Award Winning Coach Ian has agreed to lead our Staff of Varsity, Semi Professional, and Championship NFL Flag Athletes for numerous weeks of NFL Flag Summer Clinics this summer. Build a winning mindset for all sports and for life!
9:00am til 12:00pm - Lincoln Park, Newton, MA
Registration is now ON SALE starting at just $345 per SESSION per WEEK this summer, Monday through Friday! Bundle both sessions and save $150 to make it FULL DAYS, ALL WEEK, M-F from 9:00am to 12:00pm for just $500!!
June 30-July 3 | July 14- July 18 | July 28-August 1 | August 4-8 | August 11-15 | August 18-22 | August 25-29
These week long camps run Monday through Friday for select weeks during summer and are comprised of three-hour skill building clinical sessions at a Newton field. This program is designed to build your child's self-confidence, develop transferable athletic abilities, and learn discipline and team work. These sessions are not designed to be daycare for children that are not interested in sports.
Your child will show measurable improvement throughout each week, and will be provided a summary of accomplishments as well as areas that still show room for improvement.
9:00am til 12:00pm - Lincoln Park, Newton, MA
Registration is now ON SALE starting at just $345 per SESSION per WEEK this summer, Monday through Friday! Bundle both sessions and save $150 to make it FULL DAYS, ALL WEEK, M-F from 9:00am to 12:00pm for just $500!!
June 30-July 3 | July 14- July 18 | July 28-August 1 | August 4-8 | August 11-15 | August 18-22 | August 25-29
These week long camps run Monday through Friday for select weeks during summer and are comprised of three-hour skill building clinical sessions at a Newton field. This program is designed to build your child's self-confidence, develop transferable athletic abilities, and learn discipline and team work. These sessions are not designed to be daycare for children that are not interested in sports.
Your child will show measurable improvement throughout each week, and will be provided a summary of accomplishments as well as areas that still show room for improvement.
Sign up a player for our Summer 2025 Clinics NOW!
Please note that camps will run rain or shine and while we do NOT have indoor facilities at our disposal, we will have access to restrooms and storm shelters in place. In order to help us plan, please register as early as possible. As usual, every player will receive official NFL jerseys and flag belt. Additional equipment, such as mouth guards are required for each player, and a limited number will be available for purchase at the clinics but we encourage everyone to bring their own.